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I Am Carrying Gold From the Post-Apocalyptic World
I Am Carrying Gold From the Post-Apocalyptic World
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I Am Carrying Gold From the Post-Apocalyptic World

Other name: Wo Zai Mo Shi Ban Jin Zhuan; 我在末世搬金砖


High risk comes with high reward, carrying gold by himself from the post-apocalyptic world, and become rich? No? Wang Bin has a smarter way to get even richer, find an ally to help him carry more gold from the post-apocalyptic world, after one trip he can become a billionaire! Even so, it is dangerous, the post-apocalyptic world is filled with zombies, and the survivors there can be scarier than the zombies because, for the sake of living, they can do anything, they are 100 times scarier than a zombie! Chinese 高能预警,末世搬砖舔成人生赢家要致富先修路?不,王斌有一条更好的发财之道,去末世搬金砖,来回一趟轻松成为亿万富翁!话是这么说,可去末世搬金砖也并非易事,末世有数不清的丧尸,还有比丧尸更可怕的幸存者,他们为了活下去比丧尸危险百倍!



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